These saracem stones were left rough and collected from Marlborough Downs as were the stones at Avebury.  There are only two still in place.  It was at this perimeter that Flynn's crew discovered a skeleton half buried under the toppled stone.

From articles in a decaying pouch near the skeleton, they determined the remains to be from the 1600s.  The research team believe that the male was involved in the process of removing the stones.  From its position, Flynn surmised that while breaking up the rocks, (probably by lighting a fire beneath the stone and then dousing it with cold water.--ed) one fragment toppled and sent the fellow to his untimely demise.  

Also found on the site were small fetish statuettes.

Dubbed by the crew as the Sleeping Widow, the small clay figurines depict a woman reclining with several beer kegs and a pitcher. 

This is in keeping with the other sexual symbolism associated with site.  Columnar stones were placed atop triangular ones and the entire circle depicted the cycle of life.

The other design that had Ebbie baffled appears to be variations on the Clan crescent, leading Flynn to believe that the site existed around the time of the unification of the 3 tribes into Clan MacThoy. 

It hoped that the dating of these and other relics will help enforce Flynn's theory that the MacThoys predate the Indo-European expansions.

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Ivan Lair of the Northwest Hellcats Clan Customs

Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006