According to legend, MacThoy body hair is so dense that the famous Genghis Kahn mistook them for a herd of Yaks.

Courtship Rituals


It was common for the Clan MacThoy women to braid and adorn their pubic hair with beads and bells. 

In the summers, these locks were shorn as part of the spring rites of Whuppity Scorie and given to suitors as favors.

It is unclear as to who did the actual trimming.  One would assume the suitor except history has shown that at this period in time,  MacThoys enjoyed shaving about as much as they enjoyed bathing.  So the mystery continues in this respect.

Reference to the shaving has even been found in the Hystorica Calamitatum.

The gift adorned the entry way of his/her home to ward off evil and just about anything else until the handfasting ceremony or the conclusion of the courtship.

This image taken from the Hystorica Calamitatum depicts a Widow being shaved.  Clutched in her hand is a braid of pubic hair. 

As part of the Spring rites, the Shaving of Widows occurred during the Whuppity Scorie, and the Bathing of the MacThoy Men, a tradition which was long overdue when it began in the late 1600s.

After the Courtship and before the Handfasting, there was the Bachelor Party.

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Ivan Lair of the Northwest Hellcats Clan Customs

Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006